Discover your potential with the
Mental Toughness Profile™

Today’s modern world is both fast-paced, demanding and highly stressful. Performers from all walks of life (e.g., students, athletes, workplace employees, sales executives, military soldiers, financial traders) are expected to manage stress, while at the same time perform at their highest levels.

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What is the Psychology of Elite Performance?

The word "elite" is defined as:"a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society"

Recent research on mental toughness and performance psychology informs us that elite performers have superior mental qualities as compared to those who are not. Specifically, these successful performers are able to harness and apply specific psychological strategies that facilitate peak performances.

The Five C's Mental Toughness Development Model (Tham & Weigand, 2010)

Steps to Mental Toughness

The Mental Toughness Profile™ is based on the latest research on the unique mental toughness qualities of elite performers in various high-performance domains.

Step 1
Take the online Mental Toughness Profile™ tool

Step 2
Consult with a Certified Mental Toughness Coach™ or Facilitator™

Step 3
Apply the 5C's strategies to one's performance situation

Mental Toughness Certifications

In equipping the world to be more resilient in highly stressful times, we conduct coaching and training facilitation certifications across many parts of the world.

Our certified coaches & workshop facilitators are empowered with research-backed:
Profiling Tools
Facilitation Methodologies
eGames and V.R. Games
Coaching Methodologies

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